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home » releases » Ethiopian Urban Modern Music Vol. 4
Ethiopian Urban Modern Music Vol. 4

Ethiopian Urban Modern Music Vol. 4

Compilation selected from the etiopiques CD series

A few years ago the world discovered a unique sound coming from the distant Ethiopian capital Addis Abeba. The emotional blow was only matched by the brightness of this original and magnificent discovery. The Ethiopiques series directed by Francis Falcetto and edited by Buda Musique provides a comprehensive landscape of this subtle musical universe where local and western cultures do magnify each other. This new Ethiopian Urban Modern Music release follows the first Soul & Groove installment and keeps revealing some essential parts of the modern Ethiopian puzzle. An unequalled soul funk signature until today.

Compilation des singles 7inch ethiopiens.

Bien qu’il soit toujours completement inconnu du public occidental, Tlahoun Gésséssé est pour les ethiopiens THE VOICE! Leur première star pan-Ethiopienne, qui fait l’unanimité depuis ses débuts dans les années 60 jusqu’à sa mort en 2009. Une sorte de Johnny Halliday ethiopiens … et groovy.