Wahoo!! En voila une bonne annéee: les albums de Blundetto, Guts, Rongetz Foundation, Jacaranda Muse, la compile Digging the Blogosphere, la réedition de Solis Lacus, 6 nouveaux vinyles Blue Note… Gilles peterson qui choisi “Brand new Revolution” de GUTS et “Gogo Soul” de Rongetz foundation

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5 years anniversary compilation


A nice compilation (Only Digital release date : 07 Dec. 2012) to celebrate our five years with classics, new, unreleased and exclusive tracks from our upcoming projects.

Could not begin without paying tribute to Byard Lancaster, the spiritual godfather of the label which

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Great Reviews of SOLIS LACUS in LE SOIR!

What a good surprise and a great review of SOLIS LACUS reissue in LE SOIR (belgium french speaking biggest newspaper). FOUR STARS!

Très bonne critique de notre réédition de SOLIS LACUS dans le quotidien belge LE SOIR (le plus gros quotidien francophone). Coup de coeur

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