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home » releases » Bring it Home to me (Blue Note Reissue)
Bring it Home to me (Blue Note Reissue)

Bring it Home to me (Blue Note Reissue)

 Sur 33 albums enregistrés en tant que leader, “Bring it home to me” de 1966 est le 13ème et un des meilleurs albums de Blue Mitchell. Cet album mèle harmonies modales, rythmes groove et meme funky par moment ainsi que de très belles envolées lyriques. ‘Bring it home to me” est curieusement difficile à trouver en vinyle original. Blue Mitchell est ici entouré de Junior Cook au tenor, Harold Mabern au piano, Gene Taylor à la basse et le grand Billy Higgins à la batterie. Il y a sur cet album une direction artistique forte et autonome, une esthetique puissante et attachante. Notre re-edition par son serieux rend hommage à la prise de son originale.

On thirty three albums recorded as a leader, “Bring it home to me” in 1966 is the thirteenth. This is not only an excellent album but also the artistic peak of his discography. The album is mixing modal harmonies, lyrical moments and groovy and even funky rythms. This album is very hard to find  on original  LP format. Trumpetist Blue Michell is here joined by Junior Cook on tenor, Harold Mabern on piano, Gene Taylor on bass and the geat Billy Higgins on drums. The artistic direction is strong, the aesthetic is powerful. Our re issue and its analog sound is the best tribute that can be given to these great and rare record and its original recording sound.