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Kiss kiss double jab

Kiss kiss double jab

Capture d’écran 2015-01-15 à 14.54.28The RONGETZ Foundation can be defined as a collective of artists united around RONGETZ compositions, therefore, members are changing from one recording to another. After Gregory PORTER (precedent album) RONGETZ decided to team up with the legend Gary BARTZ, one of our favorite musician here at the label. In that collective we find also some of the sharpest musicians from the New york scene, naming: Steve Turré, Corey Fonville, Luques Curtis, and also spoken word queen: Sonia Sanchez, accompany by the marvelous guitar of Monnette Sudler on 2 poems interludes. But no RONGETZ Foundation album without a talent surprise and for on that album that will be Lilly COOPER a soulful singer that just turned 25 and that is ready to fire up the compositions. LP, CD, mp3, wav