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One Leg Dancer

One Leg Dancer

Le nouveau projet de Stephane Ronget, moitié de METROPOLITAN JAZZ AFFAIR (MJA) avec Bruno Patchworks (l’homme derrière le projet The dynamics).MJA a sorti deux albums et vendus plus de 15 000 albums dans le monde (5000 exs en France).

Pour cet album, le trompettiste  s’est éloigné du re-recording propre à l’éléctro pour revenir à une approche spontanée propre au jazz des années 60-70.Il s’est entouré pour cet album à la fois de jeunes talents mais aussi de musiciens phare de la scène jazz française : John Betsch et Peter Giron.

Les compositions originales de Stephane Ronget  côtoient des reprises telles que « Spiritual » ( J. Coltrane)  ou  encore le morceau « East » écrit par le bassite Tyrone Brown et  enregistré  par Pat Martino et le chanteur Billy Paul. « East » est un classique de la scène rare groove. Ce morceau étire le spectre musical du projet aux confins du vaudou  sous l’influence des percussions vocales « boulagueul »  du percussioniste Arnold Mouezza !

Sur cet album, Stephane joue non seulement de la trompette mais aussi du stylophone et chante, avec une voix plus proche de Tom Waits que des standards du jazz vocal.

 The new project of Stephane Ronget, the half of Metropolitan Jazz Affair (MJA), which released two albums and sold over 15 000 albums worldwide.Stéphane chose to continue his musical experiments by creating “The RONGETZ Foundation”.  RONGETZ’s spirit of musical adventure and the skill of its artistic director Antoine Rajon quickly made it stand out on the traditional French scene.

“One Leg Dancer” is more than just an album; it is also a project with a fresh feel to it that is created by the timbre of the compositions and the sense of freedom that surged through jazz at the end of the 60s and beginning of the 70s.The best way to describe this offering of organic musical magma would be a touch of Miles Davis, a little François Truffaud, a hint of “je ne sais quoi” and a few notes on the stylophone to dirty things up a bit.Original compositions rub shoulders with covers like “Spiritual” (J. Coltrane) or “East” (the first known cover since the guitarist P. Martino’s original version in 1968 on the Prestige label and the singer Billy Paul’s version on the “East” album), which broadens the project’s musical spectrum into the territory of “boulageul” voodoo chants!

The album was intended and designed with unity of time and space in mind – to preserve the tracks’ spontaneity, they were not rehearsed before recording and there were only two takes per track at the most.  The quality of the musicians was therefore crucial.Stéphane Ronget composed and arranged the music.  He is also to be heard on trumpet, stylophone and vocals.  For this album, he chose to surround himself with talented friends of his as well as well-known musicians.